I have owned this bike for 4 years. I bought it basically as you see it, but it was painted a different color. Recently, I have invested a significant amount of money in making this bike look like it does now. I put a few decals on the bike since it was painted. The bike is basically a blank canvas for you to either put more decals on it, airbrush it, pin stripe it or just keep it the way it is. The bike looks and SOUNDS great. The paint was done professionally in a local body shop near me. I have also done a significant amount of other maintenance. Improvements include: New Paint Tank Lined Front Brakes Rebuilt Rear Brakes Serviced Rear Tire (1 year old) Napa Sealed Battery (6 months old) Carbs just cleaned Spark Plugs Oil Change and Filter
Price: Auction
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Location: Palm City, Florida, United States