This bike started life as a 2006 sportster XL883R with just under2k miles. After breaking down the bike and removing the stock 2-to-1 exhaust it was fitted up with a dual exhaust system. Pipes were custom fitted to accept the Akrapovic exhaust tips. The pipes and exhaust guards were then baked in a ceramic coating for extra heat shielding. The wheels were replaced with a pair of custom built rims by HD Wheels Corp. and wrapped in the Continental Twinduro tracker style tires. The stock belt system was also replaced with sprockets and a heavy duty gold anodized drag chain. Rear Ohlins support the freshly modified frame and to keep the tracker theme, a rear kick up fender was installed. Handlebars, grips and levers are from the RSD range and with some machining of the top fork yoke the headlight is fitted from the VROD family. The factory gas tank has been replaced by the larger, wider vintage style gas tank by RSD. The engine guard is from the XR family again modified and made to fit the XL, and the brake rotors are changed up all round on the bike. Paint is themed after the iconic Martini Racing color scheme. This beautiful custom sportster was inspired by the amazing work done by Shaw Speed and Custom out of England.

Price: Auction

More info: Listing has ended. Click to search on eBay for similar 2006 Harley-Davidson Sportster (Affiliate link)

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States